welcome toto thethe pillarspillars ofof manasmanas fashion choreography.choreography.

just loved the way Manas Sharma sir groomed us, it was an amazing experience

I have never imagine that i will walk so confidently all credit goes to manas sharma fashion choreography what an amazing mentor and just experience the amazing class of show loved it

just loved the way they present my garments, wow just loved the choreography part amazing, manas sharma fashion choreography did a great job,

Rahul Jain

show director

This is Rahul jain working as show director since 7 years.

Roshan Singh


this is roshan singh,

Manas Sharma

Runway Director


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    December 2020


    August 2020

  • National Design Award

    June 2020

  • Apple Design Award

    December 2019


Curabitur euismod turpis sit amet dui tempor viverra. Maecenas sed justo ac massa interdum.

  • CES 2021

    January 2021

  • Invisible Talks

    December 2020

  • Oslo Design Fair

    March 2019

  • Design of the year

    September 2018

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